This book (ePub) will catch your attention!
Here are six questions: if you answer a spontaneous yes to more than one question, then this book is written for you – or rather for your feet.
- Would you like to know how healthy your feet are?
- Do you make extra demands on your feet through jogging, sport or dance?
- Are you looking for prophylactic possibilities for healthy feet?
- Are you suffering from a foot problem?
- Are you getting to the point where you would like to know what is happening to your feet?
- Do you want to take the fate of your feet into your own hands?
Footloose and Pain Free for Life!
A third of all adults suffer from foot problems. Something is decidedly wrong! To be more exact, how we treat our feet is wrong. Packed away in shoes and socks, they are crushed and trodden down in our daily, somewhat cerebral routine. The results are painful and unnecessary.
With the help of this book, recover the innate intelligence of your feet right down to the tips of your toes! It will give you numerous tips for self-diagnosis, the best Spiraldynamik® foot exercises as self-help and a comprehensive preparation for your visit to the doctor. This will help you feel both more confident and competent. Take the fate of your feet into your own hands. Develop a healthy admiration for your feet and give them your attention. They are after all, the carrier of your personality!
All the best,
Doctor Med. Christian Larsen
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